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a sad story + a good money!!!!---really funny










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5390 金币
发表于 2007-3-14 22:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* `( S' {: j' t6 X9 k8 x# a' H
1 x  H. q1 c8 G  ^0 l; V

4 i. P4 {. X4 p7 o" U* V* f' rI got this email today.
' G/ E8 [( }5 a
: E# E( D& P: I& P  V8 G' m& y( X/ I9 I% l, l1 f5 I
6 w/ j% m3 B3 F2 b& t

6 ]( z. K+ F! d# ~- U0 ]; M7 _+ F/ v$ w; z3 n6 T8 z
2 Y% g( \+ n& i3 A% B
2 F' t. d, t+ ]3 ]) T8 z& wHello Dear,
* b  A1 `3 h; g1 Y& ^) J( i; P0 Y7 Q; k. g. l5 Y2 `
You may be surprised to receive this
2 Q) p" a2 g/ [! B- jmail, as you read this, don\'t feel so sorry for me because I know
% `7 H4 F& N7 w  ]% w9 w( Xeveryone will die someday.  F! `8 Q. z. U
, ^2 a7 R9 V5 }) U' r% J
My name is Mrs. MARIA SENSINI, a business % d1 n+ a8 R( T/ ^# C# {
woman in London. I have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer which was 8 l1 U; i" }4 {4 X
discovered very late due to my laxity in caring for my health. It has   I; V% D9 Y  n1 j3 q- T% B' e
defiled all forms of medication right now and I have only few hours
2 }. n. J9 W$ N2 Eleft to live, according to medical experts. I have never particularly 0 f1 u" [* [5 D8 r% o. i
lived my life so well as I never really cared for anyone not even me # S. G9 W. ]4 c* B. G" y
but my business. Though I am very rich, but I was never generous, I was
! H0 S3 r# R- lalways hostile to people and I only focus on my business as that was
. K; T+ i/ c8 p+ ?: Ithe only thing I cared for in my life. But now I regret all this as I * t. G0 X4 w* s) `2 s
now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make
; x" {# l& l3 a5 [0 e, {( M" K( Yall the money in the world. I believed when God gives me a second ' c  X# G' s+ G# u5 u
chance to come to this world I would live my life in a different way
! E' V0 D$ P5 L1 n3 L" u. K6 Lfrom how I have lived now, but now that God has called me through this " `& D$ j% ?9 M9 t
way I willed most of my properties and access to my immediate and
& z8 [4 w3 P. }) M3 O9 textended family and as well as few close friends./ @4 D7 Z: W  R2 H2 b6 }/ s- F  V) M0 K

! j  O- x. Z7 }I want God to be
; }1 t5 ^1 K; }0 {, |merciful to me and accept my soul and so with that reason I decided to
+ P7 k$ O  r! i3 O% B1 mgive alms to CHARITY ORGANISATIONS, as I want this to be one of the
9 d, V  T9 |  H9 v9 E8 K* Nlast good deed I did on earth, so far I have distributed money to some ) ?  I/ s0 A1 c4 P; g6 {) n
Charity Organization in countries like India and Africa. Now that my
# o& g' F. ~7 u/ y" s$ e( @" jhealth has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore.8 ^4 `) I) S( r
6 }9 r' [8 f( `( S
2 B1 C3 P8 Q# }) x; o; eonce asked my family members to close one of my accounts and distribute 5 a; k4 K& [4 Z! N& h& ?
the funds which I have there to CHARITY ORGANSATION in Rwanda and # |" v" a  ?3 g: z( v. x
Pakistan; they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do
/ N! ^' [4 f* p+ tnot trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I
" O; r# O9 q" uhave left for them. The last of the funds which no one knows of, is the ; j, G3 v+ Z, u
cash deposit in one of the banks here. I want to know if you can be of
2 e6 g7 s' {( s8 n! I! m9 i. Pgood help to dispatch these funds to CHARITY organizations. I have set
/ {" A, r% a: E2 ?: {, maside 20% of the total amount $7,500,000.00 (Seven million five hundred 6 v+ ~1 \) Q) l/ X" Q
thousand dollars) for you and your time and patience for carrying out
; @7 a' _2 {0 ~, wthis duties. This means you will keep $1,500.000 00(one million five : u8 [! ]7 L' P( a$ F" _  k2 V5 e1 x
hundred thousand dollars) for yourself and donate the rest to any
1 G3 _* I2 O5 I7 C/ Q5 ?7 ?+ acharity organization. May God be with you as you have decided to take a 4 e7 }4 E' r- w
bold step to heal the world with me or even in my demise. I am going in
/ F2 ]/ _; O- S; [, efor an operation now, and I don’t think I will make it. And this hurts.
! _* D  q6 Q' `: U: t- D) u( X, `8 O' E4 ]# i6 S( U9 ~: o
If you can give me this assistance, you can then contact my lawyer who
0 M8 y% c: R5 |$ U8 Cwill assist you in getting the funds to you in my absence if i die or 0 k* D- H. ?, B
not. He would give you more details. His name is Barr. HOWARD STEPHEN + M+ r: ^7 j2 E" h% ^
and his email address is: (hsolicitors@[COLOR=\"Red\"]yahoo[/COLOR].co.uk) He would guide you
( v  S. _/ B4 O  l  J& t3 Fthrough receiving the funds.9 ~5 _4 D: `. z" }0 A; S# q% B0 m8 Y% f

1 Y; \3 q! |3 \Best Regards,
/ O" g2 N8 }% s) b0 c  @  o
" j9 z) z# N5 ^6 W- e; V4 s5 S3 ^% u* {: o% I/ R
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