Looking for: BIZ 2257, ECON2220, Econ2222, Econ2260, MOS2310 and Psych2035.
BIZ 2257:
Financial Accounting, 5th Canadian ed., 2012, Kimmel, Weygandt. Kieso, Trenholm & Irvine(只求Binder ready版本)
Econ 2220:
Williamson, Stephen D. Macroeconomics, 4th Canadian edition, Pearson Addison Wesley.
Econ 2222:
Newbold, P., Carlson, W., and B. Thorne. Statistics for Business and Economics (Eight edition), Prentice Hall (2011).(NCT8)
Econ 2260:
Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics, 8th edition, Norton
Bergstrom and Varian, Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics, 8th edition, Norton
MOS 2310: Gitman,LawrenceJ.andSeanM.Hennessey.PrinciplesofCorporateFinance,SecondCanadianEdition,PearsonEducationCanadaInc.,2008;978--‐0--‐321--‐45293--‐1
Weiten, Dunn, & Hammer (2012) Psychology applied to modern life (10th ed.) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
464966531@qq.com 若加好友请注明卖书,谢谢合作。
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