本帖最后由 suancai 于 2010-7-6 09:34 编辑 # ]* a2 }% k6 \, Q8 D+ I
0 b, U2 [5 O1 q
1.TD Canada Trust Sunfest 2010 July 8 - 11, 2010. M" l# g' r' k( y
Victoria Park, London, ON TELEPHONE: (519) 672-15224 m' E; X) a/ X- \# W8 M" c% w2 K
WEBSITE: www.sunfest.on.ca Sunfest is Canadas Premier Celebration of the Global Arts, held without admission fee in beautiful Victoria Park, London, Ontario. This unique, high profile event features over 30 top professional world music & dance and jazz ensembles based in Canada and abroad. 2. Victorian Teddy Bear Picnic July 11, 2010
4 y: j! U+ z2 Y/ Q- \5 N( J) r1424 Clarke Side Road, London, ON 4 x5 C; L/ x9 o
Location: Fanshawe Pioneer Village TELEPHONE: (519) 457-1296: _3 `1 g5 l% L6 g
WEBSITE: http://www.fanshawepioneervill
8 h) I# X0 w) tAll the bears are gathering today for a Victorian Teddy Bear Picnic. Bring out your favourite stuffed friend for an afternoon of games, storytelling, a parade and afternoon tea. - "Bearemy", the mascot of Build a Bear will be in attendance and will lead our teddy bear parade at 2:00 pm. Afternoon tea to follow.
- Story telling in the afternoon provided by Chapters
3. 安省钓鱼周 Ontario's Family Fishing Week July 3-11, 2010 P/ A# D7 ^1 C6 h7 l+ k
Canadian residents will again be able to sample Ontario's fishing opportunities, licence-free from July 3-11, 2010 .$ }+ b1 N% | O7 ^: w: j
; u* L; L4 p5 R( A8 B2 m2 Y1 @3 ISponsored by a diverse range of government and non-government organizations, these licence-free periods are designed to remind people of the recreational and economic value of Ontario's recreational fishery, and the importance of sustaining and enhancing it for future generations. For this reason, anglers without a licence must abide by the limits set for the Conservation Licence. All other fees and regulations apply and will be enforced, including size limits and sanctuaries.
5 D% S$ p+ A( X6 T0 q/ P( S0 y) L7 l5 |+ C7 k) ?8 @
Local events and festivals around the province will mark these licence-free periods. Family Fishing Weekend and Week provide not only opportunities to fish, but also to learn about proper techniques, ethical angling and how to protect fish and their habitat.0 j3 ^* R6 e9 X
2 `) g+ N" u: z8 y! T. u0 j! gFor more information, visit the Ontario Family Fishing Weekend website http://www.familyfishingweekend.com/Summer.cfm
0 p4 E2 |+ J" k% lFor general fisheries information, please call the Natural Resources Information Centre at 1-800-667-1940. 4. Markham 大都会广场夜市(7月9-11日) 活动日期:3 M9 m; f2 N4 A/ d* C& ~* b$ F( g' z
2010年7月9日星期五7pm-1am0 J p0 l1 V% u: d% d
2010年7月10日星期六1pm-1am; B$ r5 J$ [+ o2 U4 g+ K1 U
地址:Metro Square, 3636 Steeles Ave. East - 大都会广场及世纪广场停车场(Steeles夹Warden)
3 X. N& M; r+ R. t: ^' B. H网址:http://www.nightitup.com $ |8 e, ]. r$ r' j2 @2 A. }+ D# T6 F
2010年夜市(Night It Up)定于7月9日下午7时起于大都会广场登场。
+ o" z! q& f& X4 A0 H2 m- _1 ^; X; A+ b5 W
夜市自9日(周五)晚间7时起至10日(周六)凌晨1时、10日下午1时起至11日(周日)凌晨1时之间举行。其间有超过60个摊位,并由本地具备音乐、表演、舞蹈等天赋的团体在现场表演,此外,也将在Acadia Ave.举办排球和篮球锦标赛。
, r* y% q2 r! \* H4 I+ d5 Q夜市的风味有来自中国、马来西亚、日本、香港、台湾和泰国等美食,有臭豆腐、香脆软壳蟹、新鲜生蚵、新疆羊肉串、烤菠萝、糖炒栗子、新鲜椰汁等风味各异的食物。 |