本帖最后由 monashbear 于 2014-9-11 23:23 编辑
Level 1 ACCT-1004Principle of Accounting I project------------$15 MKTG-1012 Principle ofMarketing------------$12/100 words BUSI-1060Strategies for success-------------$12/100 words BUSI-1005 Intro toBusiness Success--------$12/100 words MATH-1052 Business Maths (以上Lv.1 科目均$5/quiz)
Level 2 ACCT-1010 Excel+ Simply Accounting---------$60 ($10定金) ACCT-1011 Principle of Accounting II (McIver) $80 ($10定金) COMM-3020 BusinessCommunication-------$12/assignment MATH-1175 Financial Maths ECON-1002 Microeconomics ACCT-1098(1449) Excel and Quickbooks----$10/assignment (以上Lv.2 科目均$8/quiz)
Level 3 ECON---1005 Macroeconomics MGMT-3041 OrganizationalBehavior---------$15/100 words MATH-1045 Statistics FINA—3007 Taxation I----------------------$15/assignment ACCT-3036 IntermediateAccounting (以上Lv.3科目均$12/quiz)
Level 4
ACCT-3022 Cost Accounting----------------$50/assignment ACCT-3037 Intermediate Accounting 2 FINA-3020 Taxation II LAWS-3041 Business Law (以上Lv.4科目均$12/quiz)
(以上代写服务,保证您A; A+ 需要价格再议)
*此外,我们对以上课程提供一对一的辅导。lv.1 和 Lv.2 课程 $12/hr; Lv.3 和 Lv4 $15/hr
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