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招 Financial Advisor Internship









Rank: 1

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215 金币
发表于 2015-10-16 11:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Do you like your current job?) E4 J3 e% v0 p! M; b
1 F) D' z! i0 ]
Do you want to make change?
. p) E. H/ G2 ]. Z" T5 D) u2 w2 R+ z
3 I" ~- p' x0 R$ IDo you want to be a broker like wallstreet people?
& ~1 W$ E1 A2 b, Q1 `* {# m' r
$ M, w; f7 E( uCome on and join us, we provide you the best chance to change your life and your career. And then building your business with partners and chasing your dreams!!
$ D% Y) V3 S$ }4 j" O( \5 f: p9 l" h' p% {
Requirements:& n% s( i' q9 H, k1 r! \
+ ^7 R& U5 T& W) l
Post-Secondary Diploma at least.. z6 e/ Z( r( o  @& l

% K. }" W; }) C$ S9 VMajor in Finance, Accounting or Other Business Background.% J1 }9 S3 g  H3 X/ H: W
% s5 T& Q. s2 ~0 H6 q
Language: Proficiency in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese and Manderin or Cantonese6 x" y* t# O  x1 {
- i; \# n1 ^/ B
If you have some sales experinces and insurance licence, it would be better for working.) O, Z0 p) y$ h% I
5 H& N0 r- j5 O8 `2 ?# n
Please send us your resume with email. We will have interview a.s.a.p.. \4 j# k7 D) r6 Q9 l4 o! F
3 M) h$ {' p0 w* a/ G) C
& v6 ?8 e2 W0 b8 m
% H; ?: R+ H/ T; \  G0 N7 d# Y  d! i- X* F顺便解释一下,
. `5 w0 J; A+ N3 h+ Q5 H第一,加拿大的fianancial行业大多数公司都是靠commission的,也就是说我们没有hr paid, 如果想找小时工作请绕路,但是如果你需要实习和financial专业的学习机会这个不容错过,业绩优秀还可以得到reference,可以为自己的未来铺路,4 \7 r# f2 W& ?0 O% B- j
第二,只招收PR或者已经毕业拿到full time 三年工签的同学,在校同学只能做volunteer, no commission and any paid,
6 x. V# b, q  C2 @1 c- Y; E其他一切问题可以在面试时候得到详细解答,邮件回复只会得到面试时间地点的通知1 `6 k; b; X* A* a% I: Y- L

. V( }% ~4 |8 E$ H5 L' h8 ]5 \GOOD LUCK
8 y0 U1 u; C- E
2 k# t0 F$ k/ p- Z; ?WFG LONDON OFFICE
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