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709 金币
发表于 2023-7-5 18:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
全加最大之寿司公司诚招地区主管(Area Supervisor in London, ON). 全职,薪优,福利佳。6 E6 ?$ |9 _0 d
联系人: Steven Zhu
, T& N+ T- q* d2 M) ~. R电话: 519-709-6002    周一至周五 9:00am-5:00pm/ r  @8 p, N% _; C/ q9 }
Please send resume to steven@bentosushi.com
& v# D: ], Q- [- M" a" P$ V2 pWe thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected to be interviewed will be contacted.4 r+ I, e; U" |% m7 |8 e3 ?
Job Description# I$ U) U$ c4 `) J, r
Area Supervisor (London, ON)
1 j3 Y( {  O5 X" d, cThe Area Supervisor is responsible for managing assigned Sushi Bars in their assigned region which
2 C; P6 G3 I( {9 Aincludes London and around areas. This includes developing, supervising, and
! v. M- O' Z/ R) H- ?" W" ?coaching team members to ensure the highest levels of product quality and guest service standards are + r1 A: x1 D' V9 S6 {) z
2 @, @5 Y( d, K; s% mResponsibilities2 ^( F( b3 V0 T/ T6 \6 d* Q
• Responsible for the overall day-to-day management and operations of assigned locations
' V8 {* F& i+ ~5 jincluding people management, food safety, guest services, sales and food quality
4 z' k0 H% B+ j, _% j% f• Accountable for recruiting, training, development and motivating hourly teammates.: H, y$ Q8 F8 m- z2 N% W$ U
• Daily store visits and monitoring of kiosks to ensure they are compliant with Bento regulatory , ?/ f7 b6 k, ^( p" x) e" h2 Q) C
requirements including quality assurance and food safety, health and safety standards and ' s/ j/ t0 F- @0 x
ensuring all required corrective action is taken promptly.
) P; j7 }5 ]4 Y1 \4 S6 O6 j6 J7 L: C• Build and maintain strong customer relationships with store management and third-party 1 J0 H& k) e; W$ ^
3 d( G: O# z& S# A• Execution of new store openings and implementing new product/program roll outs.: B2 T% m! `! k' u* _- m
• Ensure that the labor and production plans are regularly amended to maximize profitability for
' @0 u' I$ B% h$ _# Q7 e7 a, deach location through a combination of sales optimization and waste control.
: S$ r: @- I# u8 Y• Ensure Daily Production Reports, payroll, checklists, and reports are completed accurately for
3 S0 o- V. y! o  N! |) O+ r; coperational matters.
& q  }) q5 m# t0 u% n6 X• Monthly inventory counts, Quality Assurance and Bento Compliance Audits.# b* a1 G  P( Q5 ^  T
• Additional duties as assigned.
# U: f) G8 ]. L2 TQualifications
* s$ {9 j( n( M9 C• Minimum 1 year of food service management experience, preferably in a multi-unit environment.) B4 d* ]8 o8 ?' u! j: k" u
• Ability to adapt and succeed in a fast-paced environment.
$ r5 _* B; q7 T9 _8 Z. M9 q/ U8 o• Ability to travel within an assigned region and with a flexible schedule to accommodate ! y0 O5 q, B2 u9 P
operational needs.$ X& e( [3 H% ?; N1 g
• Valid driver's license.
" `( ~+ Y) I, o$ t6 T0 r7 C• Have strong communication skills in both oral and written English.' y6 d5 U5 E5 _. T6 R  m
• Must be self-motivated and guest focused oriented./ y- d0 T+ w: R2 S9 e/ ?: s

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